Why Are Lab Diamond Engagement Rings Becoming Popular Amongst Millennial Couples?

Why Are Lab Diamond Engagement Rings Becoming Popular Amongst Millennial Couples?

Lab grown diamonds continue to be a popular choice for engagement rings because more millennial couples want an ethically sourced and sustainable diamond. Keep on reading if you'd like to learn more about lab diamonds and the factors you should consider when choosing one.

Introduction to Lab Diamonds

Let's kick it off by discussing what diamonds are and how they're created. Lab diamonds are identical to natural diamonds - their optical, chemical, and physical properties are exactly the same. Natural stones are created in Earth, and lab diamonds are made in a controlled environment. The simplified version is that the lab recreates the intense pressure and high temperatures that turn carbon into diamonds.

If you'd like a detailed explanation, there are two methods to create lab diamonds: chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and high-pressure high temperature (HPHT).

In the CVD method, a small diamond seed is placed in a chamber filled with a carbon-rich gas. The gas is heated to cause the carbon atoms to break apart and fall onto the seed, which then gradually builds up layers and forms a larger diamond.

In the HPHT method, a small diamond seed is placed in a press with high pressure and high temperature. This mimics the conditions deep within the Earth where natural diamonds are formed, which causes the carbon atoms to crystallize and then gradually form a diamond around the seed.

Environmental and Ethical Considerations

Mining diamonds from the Earth has environmental impacts. Ecosystems get disrupted, and natural resources are used to dig for diamonds. Lab diamonds are created in a laboratory setting, so their origin is known. Plus, ecosystems don't get disrupted, and making these diamonds has a smaller carbon footprint. More millennial couples value sustainability and ethical practices, which helps drive the demand for lab-created diamonds.

Cost Comparison

An additional benefit of lab diamonds is their price tag. Lab diamonds are a more cost-effective choice than natural diamonds because they have a shorter supply chain. This allows you to get a better quality diamond than you planned and still stay under budget. Lab grown diamonds tend to be more affordable, which is more appealing to budget-conscious millennial couples.

Customization Options

Another aspect that millennial couples like about today's engagement rings is the capability to customize them. You can choose the metal of the settings and the total carat weight of the settings, and you can pick the center stone by hand. You have more choices when it comes to lab diamonds, too. Creating a unique and personalized engagement ring lets you create a one-of-a-kind ring that feels like it was made just for you.

Quality and Beauty

Because lab diamonds emit the same sparkle and fire as natural diamonds, they're a gorgeous choice for engagement rings. You can't tell the difference with the naked eye. The only way to distinguish between the two is under magnification. Natural diamonds have traces of nitrogen, but lab diamonds do not. Lab diamonds come in a variety of quality grades (cut, carat weight, color, and clarity), so you can find your dream diamond and not have to settle.

Pop Culture and Influences

Lab diamonds continue to gain traction, and their popularity among celebrities and social media influencers has helped increase their demand. Several celebrities, such as Emma Roberts, Sabrina Elba, and Mia Swier, have chosen lab diamond engagement rings. They likely appreciate lab diamonds' ethical and environmental attributes because they align with their values and unforgettable beauty and quality.

Social Media Presence

Social media and its influencers have impacted the popularity of lab diamonds. Platforms like Instagram and Facebook have allowed consumers to learn more about the benefits of lab diamonds. Social media platforms have also made it easier for consumers to access information about lab diamonds and connect with retailers. This gives online retailers who specialize in lab diamonds greater market reach.

Shift in Consumer Preferences

More and more couples are choosing lab diamonds because of their list of benefits. Millennial couples appreciate the peace of mind of getting a diamond that's ethically sourced and more sustainable. Moreover, lab diamonds allow consumers to make a smart and savvy choice by getting a larger-carat diamond at the same price. Lab diamonds make diamond options more accessible to couples. The unique and modern appeal of lab diamonds also resonates with millennial couples who are looking for something different from traditional diamond jewelry.


Lab diamonds look gorgeous - just like natural diamonds. That's because lab and natural diamonds have the same physical and chemical properties. The only difference is one is created in a lab and the other deep within the Earth. More millennial couples are opting for lab diamonds because of their added benefits. They're ethically sourced in a lab. Lab diamonds are also sustainable because labs require fewer natural resources than natural diamond mining. Lab diamonds have a smaller carbon footprint and reduced ecological impact, a choice that resounds with the responsible and conscious values of many millennial couples and is making lab diamonds more popular.

Celebrity and social media influencers have made more people aware of lab diamonds and have also increased demand. Lab diamonds have plenty of benefits! Get your lab diamond engagement ring today!

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