Gemstone Treatments & Care

With Clarity has curated a list of all the precious and semi precious natural gemstones and the treatments and enhancements that are typical for each stone. This comprehensive list allows you to understand how gemstones get their color, how they mask natural inclusions and ultimately what sets their value. We've also included information about the protection and environment that best works for your jewelry in order to avoid unintended damage. Gemstone jewelry is delicate, but with good care, your jewelry can last forever.

Gemstone Treatment/Benefits Care Instructions
Abalone None Avoid heat, househol chemicals, steam, sudden temperature changes, ultrasonic cleaning
Agate (See Chalcedony) Sometimes heat-treated and/or dyed to enhance bands in layers Normal Care
Alexandrite None Normal Care
Almandite (See Garnet) None Avoid sudden temperature changes
Amazonite Sometimes heat-treated or irradiated to enhance color; sometimes stabilized with colorless wax, oil, plastic or hardening agent to enhance appearance Avoid household chemicals, steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Amber Sometimes heat-treated, dyed or surface-treated to deepen color; sometimes pressed/compressed with extreme pressure and heat to fuse together small pieces of natural amber Avoid household chemicals, steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Amethyst (See Quartz) Occasionally heat- treated to enhance color Normal Care
Ametrine (Quartz) None Normal Care
Ammolite (Ammonite Shell) Sometimes stabilized to increase durability and to improve appearance Avoid heat, household chemicals and ultrasonic cleaning
Andalusite Occasionally heat-treated to enhance color Normal Care
Apatite None Avoid household chemicals, steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Aquamarine (See Beryl) Occasionally heat-treated to enhance color Normal Care
Aventurine (Quartz) None Normal Care
Azurite Occasionally filled with epoxy or resin to create smoother surface Avoid household chemicals, steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Azurmalachite Rarely filled with epoxy or resin for smoother surface Avoid household chemicals, steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Beryl (Also Listed by Type) Occasionally dyed, heat treated, irradiated to improve color; usually oil-, wax- and/or resin-filled increase durability and to improve appearance Avoid heat, household chemicals, steam, sudden temperature changes and ultrasonic cleaning
Bloodstone (Chalcedony) None Avoid household chemicals, steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Blue Topaz Usually irradiated and heated to produce blue color Avoid steam, sudden temperature changes, ultrasonic cleaning
Calcite Dyed to enhance color; stabilized with colorless plastic to increase durability and to improve appearance Avoid heat, household chemicals, steam, sudden temperature changes, ultrasonic cleaning
Canary Aqua Usually heat-treated to enhance color Avoid excessive heat
Carnelian (See Chalcedony) Sometimes dyed and/or heat-treated to improve color Avoid excessive heat
Cat's Eye Effect None Normal Care
Chalcedony (See Quartz) Usually dyed and/or heat-treated to produce different colors Normal Care
Chrome Diopside None Avoid household chemicals, steam, sudden temperature changes, ultrasonic cleaning
Chrysoprase (See Chalcedony) None Avoid household chemicals, steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Chrysocolla None Avoid household chemicals, steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Citrine (Quartz) Usually heat-treated or irradiated to improve color Normal Care
Coral Usually dyed or bleached to enhance color; sometimes stabilized with colorless plastic increase durability and to improve appearance; sometimes stabilized and compressed under extreme pressure and heat to bind together small pieces of natural material into a larger whole Avoid household chemicals, steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Corundum (Also Listed by Type) Usually heat-treated, diffusion-treated or irradiated to enhance color; occasionally dyed, oiled, glass-filled to enhance clarity Avoid heat, household cleaning solutions, ultrasonic cleaning and repairs; they can cause damage, as this treatment is not considered permanent or stable
Demantoid (See Garnet) None Avoid heat, household chemicals, steam, sudden temperature changes, ultrasonic cleaning
Diamond - Clear None Normal Care
Diamond - Colored (like Black Diamond) Usually heat-treated or irradiated for color Normal Care
Doublet A doublet consists of two joined segments to increase durability Avoid chemicals, stem/heat, ultrasonic, sudden temperature changes
Drusy Quartz coated and or dyed to enhance color Avoid heat, household chemicals, re-polishing, steam, sudden temperature changes, ultrasonic cleaning
Emerald (See Beryl) Usually oiled to improve color; usually oil-, wax and/or resin-filled to increase durability and/or to improve appearance Avoid household chemicals, steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Fluorite Usually heat treated or irradiated to enahnce color Avoid household chemicals, steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Garnet (Also Listed by Type) None Avoid sudden temperature changes
Gaspeite Occasionally stabilized with plastic/resin increase durability and to improve appearance Normal Care
Goshenite None Avoid sudden temperature changes
Grossularite (Garnet) None Avoid sudden temperature changes
Heliodor Irradiated for color enhancement Normal Care
Hematite None Avoid sudden temperature changes
Hessonite (Garnet) None Avoid sudden temperature changes
Hiddenite (Spodumene) Irradiated to enhance color Avoid exposure to excessive light, rough handling, sudden temperature changes
Howlite Sometimes dyed to enhance color and to simulate turquoise and other stones Avoid steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Indicolite (Tourmaline) Usually heat-treated to enhance color Avoid exposure to excessive light, rough handling, sudden temperature changes
Iolite None Avoid sudden temperature changes
Ivory & Bone Usually bleached or dyed to enhance color; sometimes stabilized increase durability and to improve appearance Avoid household chemicals and ultrasonic, may discolor in time
Jade Usually dyed and/or heat-treated to enhance color; occasionally wax-coated to enhance appearance Normal Care
Jasper (Chalcedony) Occasionally dyed to enhance color Normal Care
Jet None Avoid steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Kornerupine None Avoid rough handling, sudden temperature changes, stream, ultrasonic cleaning
Kunzite (See Spodumene) Usually irradiated to enhance color Avoid exposure to excessive light, rough handling, sudden temperature changes
Kyanite Occasionally heated to enhance color Avoid rough handling, steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Labradorite None Avoid rough handling, steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Lapis Lazuli Usually dyed and wax-coated to enhance color and shine Avoid household chemicals, steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Lepidolite None Normal Care
Malachite Occasionally infused with wax or epoxy to enhance durability and appearance, and to create smooth surface Avoid household chemicals, steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Mammoth (See Ivory) Usually bleached, dyed and/or stabilized to improve color or increase durability and to improve appearance Avoid household chemicals and ultrasonic, may discolor in time
Marcasite None Avoid household chemicals, stem/heat, ultrasonic, sudden temperature changes
Mariposite None Normal Care
Moldavite None Avoid sudden temperature changes
Moonstone None Normal Care
Morganite (See Beryl) Commonly heat-treated to enhance color Normal Care
Mother of Pearl Usually bleached, dyed, irradiated and/or coated to produce colors Avoid household chemicals, steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Muscovite None Normal Care
Mystic Topaz Surface-enhanced with a coating to enhance color Avoid abrasive and harsh chemicals, do not re-cut stones
Obsidian None Avoid household chemicals, steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Onyx (See Chalcedony) Usually dyed to enhance color Normal Care
Opal Sometimes infused with wax, oil or plastic to enhance appearance and durability Avoid household chemicals, steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Pearl Usually bleached, dyed, irradiated and/or coated to enhance appearance Avoid household chemicals (including hairspray and cosmetics), steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Peridot Sometimes infused with oil, wax , resins and/or colorless hardened substance to enhance appearance Avoid household chemicals, sudden temperature changes, steam, ultrasonic cleaning
Petalite None Avoid rough handling, ultrasonic cleaning
Petrified Wood (See Chalcedony) None Normal Care
Pietersite None Normal Care
Prasiolite (Praziolite) (Quartz) Usually heat-treated to enhance color Avoid household chemicals, steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Prehnite Occasionally stabilized increase durability and to improve appearance Avoid household chemicals, steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Pyrope (Garnet) None Avoid sudden temperature changes
Quartz (Also Listed by Type) Usually dyed and/or heat-treated to produce different colors; sometimes surface-enhanced with a coating to enhance color Avoid abrasives, harsh chemicals, steam, ultrasonic cleaning; surface enhanced-stones should not be re-cut
Quartzite Sometimes stabilized with colorless resin increase durability and to improve appearance Normal Care
Rainbow Calsilica Sometimes stabilized and compressed with a binding agent under extreme pressure and heat to bind together small pieces of natural material into a larger whole Avoid household chemicals, steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Rhodochrosite None Avoid household chemicals, rough handling, and excessive heat.
Rhodolite (See Garnet) None Avoid sudden temperature changes
Rhodonite None Normal Care
Rock Crystal (Quartz) None Normal Care
Rosenite (Garnet) None Avoid sudden temperature changes
Rubellite (See Tourmaline) Usually heat-treated or irradiated to enhance color Avoid sudden temperature changes
Ruby Usually heat-treated, diffusion-treated and/or irradiated to enhance color; occasionally dyed, oiled, glass-filled to enhance clarity Avoid heat, household cleaning solutions, ultrasonic cleaning, repairs; they can cause damage, as this treatment is not considered permanent or stable
Rutilated Quartz None; needle-like rutiles are natural characteristics Avoid heat, household chemicals, sudden temperature changes, steam, ultrasonic cleaning
Sardonyx (See Chalcedony) Usually dyed to enhance color Avoid household chemicals, stem/heat, ultrasonic, sudden temperature changes
Sapphire Usually heat-treated, diffusion-treated and/or irradiated to enhance color; occasionally dyed, oiled, glass-filled to enhance clarity Avoid heat, household cleaning solutions, ultrasonic cleaning and repairs; they can cause damage, as this treatment is not considered permanent or stable
Sard Sometimes dyed and/or heat-treated to enhance color Avoid excessive heat and light
Scapolite Usually irradiated to enhance color Avoid steam and ultrasonic cleaning, avoid exposure to strong light
Serpentine Usually dyed or waxed to enhance appearance or to alter color Avoid steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Shell Usually dyed to produce colors Avoid household chemicals, steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Smokey Quartz Occasionally heat-treated or irradiated to enhance color Avoid heat, household chemicals, sudden temperature changes, steam, ultrasonic cleaning
Sodalite None Avoid household chemicals, steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Spessarite (See Garnet) None Avoid sudden temperature changes
Sphene None Avoid household chemicals, sudden temperature changes, and rough handling
Spinel None Normal Care
Spodumene (Hiddenite) (Kunzite) Irradiated to enhance color Avoid exposure to excessive light, rough handling, sudden temperature changes
Sugilite Occasionally dyed to enhance color Avoid household chemicals, steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Sunstone None Avoid household chemicals, steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Tanzanite (See Zoisite) Usually heat-treated to enhance color Avoid steam, ultrasonic cleaning and sudden temperature changes
Tiger Iron None Normal Care
Tiger's Eye (See Quartz) Usually heat-treated, dyed or bleached to enhance color Avoid harsh chemicals, sudden temperatures changes
Topaz (Colors other than Blue) Usually heat-treated to produce different colors; sometimes surface-enhanced with a coating to enhance color Avoid abrasives, harsh chemicals, sudden temperature changes, steam, ultrasonic cleaning; surface-enhanced stones should not be re-cut
Tourmaline Green and blue tourmaline are usually heat-treated to enhance color; yellow and red tourmaline are usually irradiated to improve color Avoid sudden temperature changes, ultrasonic cleaning and steamer
Tourmalinated Quartz (See Quartz) None; needle-like quartz rutiles are natural characteristics Avoid household chemicals, steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Triplet A triple has three segments, or two segments separated by a layer of colored cement to increase durability Avoid chemicals, stem/heat, ultrasonic, sudden temperature changes
Tsavorite (See Garnet) None Avoid sudden temperature changes
Turquoise Usually stabilized with plastic to enhance durability and color; sometimes stabilized and compressed with a binding agent under extreme pressure and heat to bind together small pieces of natural material into a larger whole Avoid household chemicals, steam and ultrasonic cleaning. Perspiration and cosmetics may alter color.
Unakite None Avoid household chemicals, steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Variscite None Avoid household chemicals, steam and ultrasonic cleaning
Vordelite (Tourmaline) Usually heat-treated to enhance color Avoid sudden temperature changes, steam, ultrasonic cleaning
White Aqua (Beryl) None Normal Care
Yellow Beryl (Heliodor) Usually heat-treated to enhance color Avoid sudden temperature changes, ultrasonic cleaning and steamer
Zircon Usually heat-treated to create blue color Avoid abrasives, exposure to excessive light, rough handling
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